Saturday, 20 October 2012

I'm loving: Studded boots!

  If I'm being completely honest, when studding became a big thing I absolutely hated it, I still see studding as a bit of a fashion cliche but it has slightly grown on me. Boots are essential for autumn/winter and the cuter the better. These are the 3 pairs I've had my eye on especially. I went to Aldo on Oxford St today and tried on the first two, they were both amazing and extremely comfortable now I just have to decide which ones to buy. Number 1 might just be winning. Lastly, the amazingly gorgeous boots by ChloĆ©. I don't even know where to start with them. They are practically the same as Jeffrey Campbell's Startburst except the heel is different and in my opinion better. At first I thought they were hideous but I was young and foolish then, even if it was only a few weeks ago. So if anyone wants to lend me £1,135.00 to fulfill my studded ChloĆ© fantasy I will love you forever.

~ Taz x