Sunday, 23 June 2013

Not the end of the road

If it isn't obvious yet, I'm finally back!
My AS year is over, all the stress from revision and exams can be put on hold until next year. Although, I'm not completely done with school (Sixth form) yet, my school has decided to let us jump straight into A2 work, so we break up for summer at the same time as most schools.
With the end of AS, comes the road to university, if that's the route you want to take. Recently I've been visiting different universities and looking further into the courses that I'm interested in. I didn't realise that there was so much to take into account when trying to pick a course, however difficult, it is actually quite exciting. 

Something else that always excites me is music. Recently I've listened to a few new albums and even some rediscovered songs that I can't get out of my head.

                                               1) Forever by Haim

2) Home by Gabrielle Aplin 

3) Green Garden by Laura Mvula ( Dave Invisible remix) 

Enjoy :)

~Taz x