Sunday, 20 July 2014

Ladurée loving

5 minutes later my tea was cold and  my smile was gone.

A little while ago my friends and I made a trip down to Ladurée in Covent Garden for afternoon tea. It was great seeing as it's one of those places I always walk past and say I'll definitely come back but never do.  I think it's safe to say that for the time you're there, you feel like you're the Queen. Everything was the lovely, the decor, the waiters, the food, just lovely. The macarons were by far among the best I've ever tried. There were pretty interesting flavours as well.

The only downer would be that the teapots were not insulating, so the tea got cold pretty quickly, I know #firstworldproblems, but other than that it was great. If you ever go, I'd highly recommend thé au caramel...caramel tea!

Here's something to listen to Stay Gold // First Aid Kit, enjoy.

~ Taz x

Friday, 9 May 2014

Be Right Back

Now this picture has caught your attention, let's begin.
(Nearly) 2 year old me being quite the lady!
The (un)intentional abandoning of my blog is soon to be over.
Long story short, 6 weeks, 9 exams (biology, chemistry, history, French), 10000 migraines, 1 goal, university! So cheesy but so true. Every single day is an emotional roller coaster but I'm sure I'll be able to look back and least I hope I will. 

As I don't have a great deal of time to share some of the exciting details about all the fun things I've been up to (revision!), I thought I'd share a few of the songs that I've had on repeat for the past few weeks. Tell me what you think!

Quick question (that I'm slightly afraid to ask): Am I the only person that didn't like Frozen? Seriously, I tried to watch it on two different occasions and couldn't make it to the 30 minute mark. 

Anyway good luck/work hard everyone taking exams. Summer is so close now! 
Stay tuned, I have something pretty cool planned for my blog for this summer :) 

                                                                          ~ Taz x

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Berlin // 18

Two pretty cool things have happened last month.
1. I went to Berlin
2. I turned 18!
 If you check out my post from my 17th birthday, I spent the week in France doing work experience, this year I was on an A-level history trip. Nonetheless, these birthday vacations (if that's what you want to call them) should become an annual thing.

First up: Berlin.
We managed to squeeze so much seeing and learning into 3 days. The Jewish museum, Bundestag (Parliament), The Philharmonic Orchestra, Sachsenhausen (a WW2 concentration camp) and a 4 hour walking tour of Berlin, including a visit to the Berlin Wall. I'd definitely recommend visiting Berlin to all A-level historians, as well as anyone who is simply interested in the city and its history.

This my friends is the Berlin Wall

Next: My 18th birthday!
In short, I'm now 18.
I spent my actual birthday with my family, doing typical birthday things and then repeated it again on Monday night at dinner with my friends. Both restaurants (Wahaca & Cabana) were so beautifully decorated, I'd definitely recommend them if you're looking for some good Mexican or Brazilian food. Plus I got a (stuffed) kitten. I also received some pretty amazing presents, so expect a review or two in the upcoming weeks.

~ Taz x

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Hey & Happy New Year, I guess it's better late than never. 2013 has drifted away and we've landed in a slightly futuristic sounding year, although at the start of every year I ( and many others I'm sure) go on about how strange {insert year here} sounds. So Happy 2014!

I think it may be just a bit too late (or early) to talk about Christmas, so I'll save that for December and get on with this post.

This is officially my final full term in Sixth Form, which is slightly hard to believe, even more so, the thought of starting university in September is also something I'm going to have to get used to. Until then, A-levels are my life!

Quite a few people have recommended various TV series (e.g Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad) for me to watch but I just couldn't bring myself to start them over Christmas. Instead, I started watching the Carrie Diaries and I love it! In short, it's about the life of Carrie Bradshaw Pre-Sex in the City and it pretty much reminds you that you are still a teenage girl. What's really cool about it, is that it really feels like the captured the 80's, from the styling to the camera effects! It's innocent and light-hearted, which the occasional drop of serious here and there. I would definitely recommend giving it a watch, though it is nothing like the series that people have suggested so far.

I'm also reading Looking for Alaska by John Green, so once I'm done with it I'll share my thoughts on it.

Have a lovely day wherever you are <3 

~ Taz x